Game-Space (2008)

Game-Space is a simulation of a simulation. The path of a subject, contemplating artworks within the gallery, drives a parallel representation in the form of a videogame. Each reflects the other, questioning our institutional constructs, as well as exploring the notion of subjectivity in digitally mediated experience.

What games are played? Whose point of view is represented? What relationships exist between the notion of play as expressed in the videogame and the play of the artist, viewer, work, and institution? What is the value of contemplation in and outside this game? How is subjectivity transformed when the artwork returns our gaze?

A surveillance system selects a viewer and tracks their position throughout the exhibition space. These coordinates are fed through a network into a videogame engine that models the real world space, complete with artwork. The system monitors viewer attention at each work, rotating the virtual subject towards the simulated ...

Full Description

Game-Space is a simulation of a simulation. The path of a subject, contemplating artworks within the gallery, drives a parallel representation in the form of a videogame. Each reflects the other, questioning our institutional constructs, as well as exploring the notion of subjectivity in digitally mediated experience.

What games are played? Whose point of view is represented? What relationships exist between the notion of play as expressed in the videogame and the play of the artist, viewer, work, and institution? What is the value of contemplation in and outside this game? How is subjectivity transformed when the artwork returns our gaze?

A surveillance system selects a viewer and tracks their position throughout the exhibition space. These coordinates are fed through a network into a videogame engine that models the real world space, complete with artwork. The system monitors viewer attention at each work, rotating the virtual subject towards the simulated artwork.

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