The Frutigers (2008)

Inspired by children and alphabet books and based on the Frutiger font family by Adrian Frutiger, The Frutigers present the letters of the alphabet in an interactive environment where each character is presented with its own distinct personality. Being both playful and rambunctious, the thick weighted font reflects the identity in which the characters are conveyed. The Frutigers is a playful way to investigate the design, characteristics and structuring of the font family by simulating them into an interactive space where the user has the means to discover the font intimately. The composition brings a fun learning experience on letters and their forms by implementing movement, interaction, phenotics, art and drama directly to each depicted Frutiger character.

Full Description

Inspired by children and alphabet books and based on the Frutiger font family by Adrian Frutiger, The Frutigers present the letters of the alphabet in an interactive environment where each character is presented with its own distinct personality. Being both playful and rambunctious, the thick weighted font reflects the identity in which the characters are conveyed. The Frutigers is a playful way to investigate the design, characteristics and structuring of the font family by simulating them into an interactive space where the user has the means to discover the font intimately. The composition brings a fun learning experience on letters and their forms by implementing movement, interaction, phenotics, art and drama directly to each depicted Frutiger character.

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