Traveling Corners/Esquinas Rodantes (2008)

“Traveling Corners/Esquinas Rodantes” is an informational cartography of a virtual territory, which looks at how emergent Latinos Metropolis such as Los Angeles present a model of “Spanish Speaking” urban neighborhoods that are centered on the notion of transnational communities. The project maps the “transnational urban community” as a space of flows that provides, via the database and material arrangements the experimental organic history that allows for simultaneity of social practices without physical territorial contiguity.

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“Traveling Corners/Esquinas Rodantes” is an informational cartography of a virtual territory, which looks at how emergent Latinos Metropolis such as Los Angeles present a model of “Spanish Speaking” urban neighborhoods that are centered on the notion of transnational communities. The project maps the “transnational urban community” as a space of flows that provides, via the database and material arrangements the experimental organic history that allows for simultaneity of social practices without physical territorial contiguity.

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