XYRay: Avatar the New You (2008)

X/Y-Ray vision is an interactive installation, using technology as a interpretive mirror of the real world. By wearing specially crafted headsets you will be able to interact with the images on the screen. As the viewer moves around the gallery space, their onscreen avatar negotiates the screen space, encountering obstacles and triggering sounds. Hidden in the gallery are sonic 'easter eggs' which viewers must find in order to reveal the full extent of the work.

The title, X/Y Ray vision plays on the idea of the X-Ray being an interpretation of reality, and on the X/Y coordinates that are the fundamental mathematical principle that underscores all screen based interactive work. In this game, the roles of the player and the avatar become inverted as the screen image dictates to the gallery visitor how and where they must move.

Full Description

X/Y-Ray vision is an interactive installation, using technology as a interpretive mirror of the real world. By wearing specially crafted headsets you will be able to interact with the images on the screen. As the viewer moves around the gallery space, their onscreen avatar negotiates the screen space, encountering obstacles and triggering sounds. Hidden in the gallery are sonic 'easter eggs' which viewers must find in order to reveal the full extent of the work.

The title, X/Y Ray vision plays on the idea of the X-Ray being an interpretation of reality, and on the X/Y coordinates that are the fundamental mathematical principle that underscores all screen based interactive work. In this game, the roles of the player and the avatar become inverted as the screen image dictates to the gallery visitor how and where they must move.

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