PERFORMA TV was an Internet-based video project conceived and organized by artist Ronnie Bass and PERORMA07 curator Tairone Bastien. Its objective was to provide a live, open and public platform for the artists and organizers of Rose Lee Goldbergs's PERFORMA07 performance art biennial. PERFORMA TV served both as a supplemental resource for PERFORMA07 and as a venue with worldwide viewing accessibility.

Coinciding with the duration of PERFORMA07, the project was a 25-day continuous Internet video stream broadcasted from a stage-set hosted by Columbia University's School of Visual Arts. Scheduled and impromptu events from artists, curators, and art historians included interviews, discussions, and performances.

The stage-set, designed by Ronnie Bass, consisted of a few basic amenities intended to create an environment conducive for discussion and performance such as chairs, a small refrigerator, lights and a plant. Ways in which the set was utilized and changed throughout the course of events were ...

Full Description

PERFORMA TV was an Internet-based video project conceived and organized by artist Ronnie Bass and PERORMA07 curator Tairone Bastien. Its objective was to provide a live, open and public platform for the artists and organizers of Rose Lee Goldbergs's PERFORMA07 performance art biennial. PERFORMA TV served both as a supplemental resource for PERFORMA07 and as a venue with worldwide viewing accessibility.

Coinciding with the duration of PERFORMA07, the project was a 25-day continuous Internet video stream broadcasted from a stage-set hosted by Columbia University's School of Visual Arts. Scheduled and impromptu events from artists, curators, and art historians included interviews, discussions, and performances.

The stage-set, designed by Ronnie Bass, consisted of a few basic amenities intended to create an environment conducive for discussion and performance such as chairs, a small refrigerator, lights and a plant. Ways in which the set was utilized and changed throughout the course of events were expected developmental aspects of chance associated with the project.

Appearances on PERFORMA07's PERFORMA TV included Ronnie Bass, Tairone Bastien, Sue de Beer, Pablo Bronstein, Jeremy Eilers, Christy Gast, Anna-Catharina Gebbers, Beatrice Glow, Richard Haley, Tommy Hartung, Paolo Javier, Ivan Montforte, Tris Vonna Michel, Tim Peterson, Georgia Sagri, Daniel Salomon, Snofrid, Nic Xedro and others.

A more elaborate version PERFORMA TV is currently in programming for the PERFORMA09 biennial.

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