OK TO GO (2008)

OK TO GO is an extensive compilation of "hyper space" or "warp speed" scenes from science fiction films. The use of hyper space as a plot device in the world of science fiction is both widespread and historic, an accepted route to the unknown, a journey through unquantifiable oblivion. They represent a kind of inversion, or temporary lifting, of the accepted order. This film isolates them from any context, removing any immediate associations with either inner or outer space.

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OK TO GO is an extensive compilation of "hyper space" or "warp speed" scenes from science fiction films. The use of hyper space as a plot device in the world of science fiction is both widespread and historic, an accepted route to the unknown, a journey through unquantifiable oblivion. They represent a kind of inversion, or temporary lifting, of the accepted order. This film isolates them from any context, removing any immediate associations with either inner or outer space.

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