On and Off with a Tendency Toward On (2006)

This piece has a duality with the meaning. A dragon is fiercely looking at my body, which is composed of an x-ray taken when I was battling cancer. My body intersects with the dragons. The dragons limb is burned, and an imaginary line is leading up to the area where the tumor is. You can't see the tumor, but I have drawn in a small representation of where the tumor existed. I'm not sure if the dragon is protective or a danger.

The self-portrait series reflects issue of gender, identity, and illness.

Full Description

This piece has a duality with the meaning. A dragon is fiercely looking at my body, which is composed of an x-ray taken when I was battling cancer. My body intersects with the dragons. The dragons limb is burned, and an imaginary line is leading up to the area where the tumor is. You can't see the tumor, but I have drawn in a small representation of where the tumor existed. I'm not sure if the dragon is protective or a danger.

The self-portrait series reflects issue of gender, identity, and illness.

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