Filling the screen is a randomly growing matrix of pale grey one pixel wide horizontal and vertical lines. Shadowing this grey matrix is another matrix that is hidden and completely parasitical in nature. This matrix continuously seeks to latch on to lines from the grey matrix. Once it has located a grey line it starts to replace it with an increasing number of rogue pixels until it eventually colonizes the entire line. These rogue pixels are unstable, relentlessly changing colour at hyperactive speed as they greedily devour the host matrix..

Full Description

Filling the screen is a randomly growing matrix of pale grey one pixel wide horizontal and vertical lines. Shadowing this grey matrix is another matrix that is hidden and completely parasitical in nature. This matrix continuously seeks to latch on to lines from the grey matrix. Once it has located a grey line it starts to replace it with an increasing number of rogue pixels until it eventually colonizes the entire line. These rogue pixels are unstable, relentlessly changing colour at hyperactive speed as they greedily devour the host matrix..

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