Alan Ford (2001)

by Sophie

somehow the face on the bottom reminds me of alan ford and the comic book i used to read. this painting is a combination of pencil and acrilyc paint and is part of "the pencil again" period. i say "again" because for a while i have committed heavily to colour and completely forgot about my urge to simply draw. so this period has been a welcome refreshment and a confirmation of my certain abilities. it dates back to 2001/2002.

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somehow the face on the bottom reminds me of alan ford and the comic book i used to read. this painting is a combination of pencil and acrilyc paint and is part of "the pencil again" period. i say "again" because for a while i have committed heavily to colour and completely forgot about my urge to simply draw. so this period has been a welcome refreshment and a confirmation of my certain abilities. it dates back to 2001/2002.

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