Childhood Games (2008)

Mexico City, 1984. There and then I was 12 years old, dreaming of creating computer games. I already knew how to program in BASIC, but I didn't have a computer. So I just took a pencil and a notebook, and wrote down my games. Almost 25 years later, I re-discovered the old notebook with my first hand-written games. It was dusty but still readable (unlike the floppy disks). Thrilled by this encounter, I decided to write new games based on those original ideas.

Full Description

Mexico City, 1984. There and then I was 12 years old, dreaming of creating computer games. I already knew how to program in BASIC, but I didn't have a computer. So I just took a pencil and a notebook, and wrote down my games. Almost 25 years later, I re-discovered the old notebook with my first hand-written games. It was dusty but still readable (unlike the floppy disks). Thrilled by this encounter, I decided to write new games based on those original ideas.

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