Crashes #5, from the series Crash Markers (2008)

Government-run roadside crash marker programmes in Australia aim to raise awareness of road safety by identifying where fatal and serious injury crashes have occurred in rural areas. The wooden markers are fixed into the ground, and painted black or red with a symbolic reflector.

In this series, I investigate human inability forget emotionally traumatic events. I reinterpret the torrent of random snapshots that pile into mind during a car accident by creating multi-layered ‘memory-scapes’ at different crash sites.

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Government-run roadside crash marker programmes in Australia aim to raise awareness of road safety by identifying where fatal and serious injury crashes have occurred in rural areas. The wooden markers are fixed into the ground, and painted black or red with a symbolic reflector.

In this series, I investigate human inability forget emotionally traumatic events. I reinterpret the torrent of random snapshots that pile into mind during a car accident by creating multi-layered ‘memory-scapes’ at different crash sites.

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