"It's a Small World After All" (2008)

The various technologies around me and the functions those technologies serve, initially sparked my interest into what materials I might use. Marshall McLuhan's theory of a "global village", how the world is "contracting spatially into one large village" is the foundation for this piece. McLuhan theorized how the television and radio would impact our global communication, where this piece theorizes the Internet's impact on our networking scheme.

To create the work, I sent out an email to my fellow classmates for my Fine Arts course, my friends, family, and co-workers, who then replied and forwarded the email to their contacts. I initially received only 3 replies which adheres to the fact that the Internet still takes time to reach people and everyone on my list is from somewhere in America. Time plays a role, in creating the "global village" McLuhan saw, but the project is ongoing, which allows for greater ...

Full Description

The various technologies around me and the functions those technologies serve, initially sparked my interest into what materials I might use. Marshall McLuhan's theory of a "global village", how the world is "contracting spatially into one large village" is the foundation for this piece. McLuhan theorized how the television and radio would impact our global communication, where this piece theorizes the Internet's impact on our networking scheme.

To create the work, I sent out an email to my fellow classmates for my Fine Arts course, my friends, family, and co-workers, who then replied and forwarded the email to their contacts. I initially received only 3 replies which adheres to the fact that the Internet still takes time to reach people and everyone on my list is from somewhere in America. Time plays a role, in creating the "global village" McLuhan saw, but the project is ongoing, which allows for greater networking and exposure.

The website created is a documentation of the names received and further creates the networking scheme presented by McLuhan. The original deadline was July 24th, 2008 for course reasons, but continues to circulate to further comment on the networking.

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