slippinglimpse (2007)

slippingglimpse, created with Stephanie Strickland and Paul Ryan, is a 10-part generative Flash poem combining videos of ocean patterns with text. The work introduces three modes of reading: fullscreen, high resolution, and scroll-text.

In fullscreen mode, we track the water reading the poem text by using motion capture coding that assigns the text to locations of movement in the water. The metaphor is that the water's motions provide a scanning, as our eyes scan text.

The poem text is directly readable in scroll-text mode. This text tracks, or reads, image/capture technologies by sampling and recombining the words of visual artists who use digital techniques (among them, Helaman Ferguson, Manfred Mohr, David Berg, Ellen Carey, Frances Dose, Marius Johnston, Jon Lybrook, Susan Rankaitis). It combines their words with Strickland's, Hildegarde of Bingen's, and words from an old Silesian folk tale, The Passion of the Flax, which explores the very oldest ...

Full Description

slippingglimpse, created with Stephanie Strickland and Paul Ryan, is a 10-part generative Flash poem combining videos of ocean patterns with text. The work introduces three modes of reading: fullscreen, high resolution, and scroll-text.

In fullscreen mode, we track the water reading the poem text by using motion capture coding that assigns the text to locations of movement in the water. The metaphor is that the water's motions provide a scanning, as our eyes scan text.

The poem text is directly readable in scroll-text mode. This text tracks, or reads, image/capture technologies by sampling and recombining the words of visual artists who use digital techniques (among them, Helaman Ferguson, Manfred Mohr, David Berg, Ellen Carey, Frances Dose, Marius Johnston, Jon Lybrook, Susan Rankaitis). It combines their words with Strickland's, Hildegarde of Bingen's, and words from an old Silesian folk tale, The Passion of the Flax, which explores the very oldest capture technologies, such as harvesting plants for food and flax for paper.

Completing this "round-robin" of reading, image-capture videography and video editing read the water's flow pattern, reading for and enhancing these patterns to which dynamical systems return even as they continuously change. The high resolution mode shows these patterns best.

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