YES (2008)

by shalo p

For the past two years and a half I have been working on series of transmissions called TELEVISION FOR GHOSTS. It is a series of videoworks that view the whole of video as an insubstantial mental shadow, manifested as pure information, existing autonomously like weather, influenced by patterns of collective thought, polluted with detritus, accumulating as nothingness (by the nature of digital obsolescence and pop culture's meager life-span), ultimately coalescing into a pool of overlapping voids that reflect an ever-evolving language from its surface. I also picture it as a sky with a river of crows.

Full Description

For the past two years and a half I have been working on series of transmissions called TELEVISION FOR GHOSTS. It is a series of videoworks that view the whole of video as an insubstantial mental shadow, manifested as pure information, existing autonomously like weather, influenced by patterns of collective thought, polluted with detritus, accumulating as nothingness (by the nature of digital obsolescence and pop culture's meager life-span), ultimately coalescing into a pool of overlapping voids that reflect an ever-evolving language from its surface. I also picture it as a sky with a river of crows.

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