For The Time Being (1994)

This project grew out of a proto-type that was made for the "Breaking Barriers" exhibition at the Santa Monica Museum after the LA insurrection. 20+ meters were wired for sound were placed throughout Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Pasadena and Orange County. Artists and writers with HIV/AIDS and their friends and family were commissioned to write texts for the tapes which are placed in the meters. When the viewer feeds the meter, a tape plays. When the time runs out, the meter is then silent. Money collected went towards a fund that supported artists with AIDS in the fabrication of their work. This project opened December 1st, 1994 and ran initially for three months. Meters were still up four years later when they were retired to storage. Occasionally, a meter will come out of storage for a show or specific project. The meters are available for exhibitions and commissioned-specific ...

Full Description

This project grew out of a proto-type that was made for the "Breaking Barriers" exhibition at the Santa Monica Museum after the LA insurrection. 20+ meters were wired for sound were placed throughout Los Angeles, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Pasadena and Orange County. Artists and writers with HIV/AIDS and their friends and family were commissioned to write texts for the tapes which are placed in the meters. When the viewer feeds the meter, a tape plays. When the time runs out, the meter is then silent. Money collected went towards a fund that supported artists with AIDS in the fabrication of their work. This project opened December 1st, 1994 and ran initially for three months. Meters were still up four years later when they were retired to storage. Occasionally, a meter will come out of storage for a show or specific project. The meters are available for exhibitions and commissioned-specific audio elements.

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