Unspooled (2007)

“Unspooled” is Hollywood jargon describing the event of a film’s screening. As the viewer stands in front of the works in this series, iconic moments from popular cinema play onscreen. The sequence of each scene is algorithmically altered in real-time, suggesting new meanings or heightening the original effect. As the viewer moves in front of the screen, a video camera detects the movement, and the scene plays back in its “correct” sequence. Unintentional movements from the viewer obscure the boundary between the temporally manipulated and the more familiar original imagery.

Full Description

“Unspooled” is Hollywood jargon describing the event of a film’s screening. As the viewer stands in front of the works in this series, iconic moments from popular cinema play onscreen. The sequence of each scene is algorithmically altered in real-time, suggesting new meanings or heightening the original effect. As the viewer moves in front of the screen, a video camera detects the movement, and the scene plays back in its “correct” sequence. Unintentional movements from the viewer obscure the boundary between the temporally manipulated and the more familiar original imagery.

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