Reconfiguration (2007)

reconfiguration is all about my interest in plane crashes which is similar to my interest in car crashes. I'm painting what i like and i sure like to see complicated things with a multitude of parts and held together by good engineering smash into bits. You could say that it is order descending into chaos. Or as Virilio would put it, each new invention creates a new accident and the plane image recreates this for me. But this image is more then my own puerile fascination with spectacle it is also a marker for the information torrent we exist in and the contemporary ease of which we can access whatever image that pleases us. A media shift that has struck our western cultures like a bomb: an information bomb.

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reconfiguration is all about my interest in plane crashes which is similar to my interest in car crashes. I'm painting what i like and i sure like to see complicated things with a multitude of parts and held together by good engineering smash into bits. You could say that it is order descending into chaos. Or as Virilio would put it, each new invention creates a new accident and the plane image recreates this for me. But this image is more then my own puerile fascination with spectacle it is also a marker for the information torrent we exist in and the contemporary ease of which we can access whatever image that pleases us. A media shift that has struck our western cultures like a bomb: an information bomb.

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