-t=ex=tis-ens:ion-a=-l-=i-g-ht (for-s.b) (2008)

by ui uuii

Le Gai Savoir also attempts to demonstrate that these cinematic elements can be used to focus one's attention on a specific issue. Unfortunately the occasional atempts too often simploy tlead the viewer to ssay "so what?" Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what ...

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Le Gai Savoir also attempts to demonstrate that these cinematic elements can be used to focus one's attention on a specific issue. Unfortunately the occasional atempts too often simploy tlead the viewer to ssay "so what?" Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these little particles of light, changing, for hours. Clicking. Waiting. Seeing what the sun did to the scene. As I saw what was happening in the frame to these

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