Summer Delight (2008)

Another work from the Barbarybarbyzation project:

Barbarybarbyzation is a work that explores the concept of the globalization of values related to the massive representation of the sexual genders. Through the morphologic elements of the work it was aimed to establish a relation between the investment policies of the large economic corporations and the representation strategies mediated by the mass media. This project tries to establish the idea that the globalization process of the values inherent to the genders not only invades the non-Occidentalised geographical spaces, but also substitutes and mixes itself with the non-Occidentalised symbology: the truly postmodern symptom of ideological pastiche

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Another work from the Barbarybarbyzation project:

Barbarybarbyzation is a work that explores the concept of the globalization of values related to the massive representation of the sexual genders. Through the morphologic elements of the work it was aimed to establish a relation between the investment policies of the large economic corporations and the representation strategies mediated by the mass media. This project tries to establish the idea that the globalization process of the values inherent to the genders not only invades the non-Occidentalised geographical spaces, but also substitutes and mixes itself with the non-Occidentalised symbology: the truly postmodern symptom of ideological pastiche

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