roto:roto-gra:vituture (n.12, re:ad:emade for R.Mutt) (2002)

by ui uuii

but preferred playing billiards to attending classes. he began his compulsory military service working for a printer in Rouen. gained a reputation of being shy. However, that same year he painted in a Cubist style and added his impression of movement by repeating imagery. He called it "...a remarkable book ... which advances no formal theories, but just keeps saying that the ego is always there in everything."

Full Description

but preferred playing billiards to attending classes. he began his compulsory military service working for a printer in Rouen. gained a reputation of being shy. However, that same year he painted in a Cubist style and added his impression of movement by repeating imagery. He called it "...a remarkable book ... which advances no formal theories, but just keeps saying that the ego is always there in everything."

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