PostGreen Zone, 2007 (2007)

by Poderiu

To celebrate the conquest over Iran, Saddam Hussein decided to build a kind of Arch of Triumph, the Swords of Qadisiyyah (or The Hands of Victory). The Arches also allude to the historical battle of al-Qadisiyyah, occurred from 634 to 640 DC, which resulted in the Muslim expansion and in the Islamic conquest of Persia. The invasion and occupation of Iraq by the Allied forces, led by the USA, in 2003, have made this geographic area to acquire a new taxonomy; the Green Zone, still far from being dismantled, is under the eye of security and of construction companies that intend to build compounds in the limits of the area during this phase in which occupation is being consolidated. Conflicts in the interior of the zone are intense, and at this moment key-forces of North-American commands are occupying several of the most important buildings. Some embassies and foreign companies are ...

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To celebrate the conquest over Iran, Saddam Hussein decided to build a kind of Arch of Triumph, the Swords of Qadisiyyah (or The Hands of Victory). The Arches also allude to the historical battle of al-Qadisiyyah, occurred from 634 to 640 DC, which resulted in the Muslim expansion and in the Islamic conquest of Persia. The invasion and occupation of Iraq by the Allied forces, led by the USA, in 2003, have made this geographic area to acquire a new taxonomy; the Green Zone, still far from being dismantled, is under the eye of security and of construction companies that intend to build compounds in the limits of the area during this phase in which occupation is being consolidated. Conflicts in the interior of the zone are intense, and at this moment key-forces of North-American commands are occupying several of the most important buildings. Some embassies and foreign companies are there as well. Investors and other foreigners also need a place in the capital where they can feel safe: Give in the place? No way, said an officer from the USA. The government wouldn t wish that too. Who comes here, always wants to stay inside. Who wouldn t? It s the most secure place in the city. Surrounded by concrete walls and protected by tanks and helicopters, the larger concentration of symbols of power ever taken by the allied forces is in the heart of Iraq. Many Iraqis, including Ministers and the President of the Autarchy of Bagdad, want the American forces to withdraw from the city, but their wishes are not being fulfilled. Due to the occupation, the Green Zone starts to present cultural symptoms of occidental civilization: women in shorts and T-shirts that go jogging in the local avenues, Iraqi kids that have access to porno-DVDs by the hand of the soldiers, the karaoke sessions that distrurb the evening silence and the inhabitants quietness, a local cafe where contractors tote 9mm pistols smoke hookahs while an Iraqi drummer provides entertainment; the Pizza Inn also does some brisk business in the parking of the North-American war vehicles. In the present scenery it is foreseeable that in the geographic area where the Swords of Qadisiyyah are placed (Green Zone) huge skyscrapers will be built, buildings holding North-American and British brands, thus implying the imposition of a characteristically occidental productivist system; consequently fostering the globalization of these values over the Muslim culture.

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