nothing at all (here) (2007)

An autobiography of what never came to be in my life....who the people are not now that would have used these eyes, hands...and their unformed or ill formed artifacts. the project explodes the autobiographical cliche and expectation of the blog that has come to be limiting by being an autobiography, but of who I am not, of the people that would have been, could have been and the mathematics of probability and the fractal strands of small choices or changes that led them away. Absence is presence and the photos are of nether data , the in between, of emptiness and presence as much as of something deeply personal even as a sort of document as phantom limb. The project is both deeply personal and a attempt to explode the blog and its conventions as even the tags are poetic stubs or metaphor and semiotics as small clouds not as ...

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An autobiography of what never came to be in my life....who the people are not now that would have used these eyes, hands...and their unformed or ill formed artifacts. the project explodes the autobiographical cliche and expectation of the blog that has come to be limiting by being an autobiography, but of who I am not, of the people that would have been, could have been and the mathematics of probability and the fractal strands of small choices or changes that led them away. Absence is presence and the photos are of nether data , the in between, of emptiness and presence as much as of something deeply personal even as a sort of document as phantom limb. The project is both deeply personal and a attempt to explode the blog and its conventions as even the tags are poetic stubs or metaphor and semiotics as small clouds not as sorting tags.

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