T9 Babble (2008)

T9 Babble is a project about telematics and new, popular ways of communicating. The user submits text messages in their inbox to the site, which appear instantly, and thereby add to the hypernarrative created by all the other messages left there over time. The user can then read all the messages or the few leading up to their own posting. The project is shaping up to be a time capsule in some respects of society and language today. The site also seems to collect random bits of data and nonsensical messages sent over this conversation medium.

Full Description

T9 Babble is a project about telematics and new, popular ways of communicating. The user submits text messages in their inbox to the site, which appear instantly, and thereby add to the hypernarrative created by all the other messages left there over time. The user can then read all the messages or the few leading up to their own posting. The project is shaping up to be a time capsule in some respects of society and language today. The site also seems to collect random bits of data and nonsensical messages sent over this conversation medium.

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