Ghostgarden (2008)

Accessing unique outdoor garden spaces, Ghostgarden imagines an alternate narrative inspired by historical evidence. Ghostgarden takes the viewer out of the museum on a surreal journey to uncover rich cinematics and sound as they wander the garden space. Utilizing GPS technologies and pocket PC's, participants uncover the narrative as they wander the garden immersed in a mixed reality experience. Depending on the actual location of the user and GPS signal, fragments of the narrative are revealed in close relationship with the actual environment surrounding them. A mapping interface is updated in realtime, allowing the participants to identify their whereabouts, and the location of each piece of content.

Full Description

Accessing unique outdoor garden spaces, Ghostgarden imagines an alternate narrative inspired by historical evidence. Ghostgarden takes the viewer out of the museum on a surreal journey to uncover rich cinematics and sound as they wander the garden space. Utilizing GPS technologies and pocket PC's, participants uncover the narrative as they wander the garden immersed in a mixed reality experience. Depending on the actual location of the user and GPS signal, fragments of the narrative are revealed in close relationship with the actual environment surrounding them. A mapping interface is updated in realtime, allowing the participants to identify their whereabouts, and the location of each piece of content.

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