pipeline (2004)

Within the artistic realm, there is the potential for manipulation, damage, decay, or loss to be exhibited as a creative process. This creation/damage itself occurs both because of, and in spite of, human interaction. The resulting artwork emerges from the collaboration between the disruptor of data and the reorganizer/interpreter of information.

By reassessing the relationship between the disruptor and the organizer, degradation can be considered a constructive process. The traditionally desired purity of data transmission and transfer, though experienced, becomes less preferable. Noise then becomes a tool of creative expression.

While the introduction of noise into an existing structure or system creates something new, it does so at the cost of the original. Degradation, as an act, may become a creative variation upon a source image, but that visual disruption reflects a loss of information.

By allowing the viewer to be the source of noise in the system, the source ...

Full Description

Within the artistic realm, there is the potential for manipulation, damage, decay, or loss to be exhibited as a creative process. This creation/damage itself occurs both because of, and in spite of, human interaction. The resulting artwork emerges from the collaboration between the disruptor of data and the reorganizer/interpreter of information.

By reassessing the relationship between the disruptor and the organizer, degradation can be considered a constructive process. The traditionally desired purity of data transmission and transfer, though experienced, becomes less preferable. Noise then becomes a tool of creative expression.

While the introduction of noise into an existing structure or system creates something new, it does so at the cost of the original. Degradation, as an act, may become a creative variation upon a source image, but that visual disruption reflects a loss of information.

By allowing the viewer to be the source of noise in the system, the source of disruption to an image, he or she discovers its creative and destructive potential in the same moment.

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