tin@tin% (2008)

This is a new media image of a detail of a recent painting. I guess it portrays the relative anonymity of a painterly image when altered by digital art. Unfortunately thumbnail images do not accurately read or transmit the full painting as I would have wished. However it's an image which, already at its conception, was afflicted with the painterly use of keyboard symbols for facial features. So even at the painterly stage, this detail was a digital mask. Social comment...mass produced iconography, faces from a production line of impersonal features.

Full Description

This is a new media image of a detail of a recent painting. I guess it portrays the relative anonymity of a painterly image when altered by digital art. Unfortunately thumbnail images do not accurately read or transmit the full painting as I would have wished. However it's an image which, already at its conception, was afflicted with the painterly use of keyboard symbols for facial features. So even at the painterly stage, this detail was a digital mask. Social comment...mass produced iconography, faces from a production line of impersonal features.

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