If I Worked for 493 Years (2008)

"If I Worked for 493 Years" is an ongoing performance piece where I document each day at work through the eyes of my computer. I am a web designer and stare at the screen for hours. In the Fall of 2006, I decided to let the computer stare back at me, one image per day, using the built in iphoto camera. It forced me to reflect on the unnatural technological environment where I spend so many hours away from my family. The project through a change in jobs as well as including evenings when I telecommuted from home. In January 2008, I began to add audio that reflected my stress at aspiring to establish a "middle classs" life for myself and my children under the conservative economic policies of the Bush Administration, policies that favored CEOs over office workers.

Full Description

"If I Worked for 493 Years" is an ongoing performance piece where I document each day at work through the eyes of my computer. I am a web designer and stare at the screen for hours. In the Fall of 2006, I decided to let the computer stare back at me, one image per day, using the built in iphoto camera. It forced me to reflect on the unnatural technological environment where I spend so many hours away from my family. The project through a change in jobs as well as including evenings when I telecommuted from home. In January 2008, I began to add audio that reflected my stress at aspiring to establish a "middle classs" life for myself and my children under the conservative economic policies of the Bush Administration, policies that favored CEOs over office workers.

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