de-riva (2008)

There are some places adrift in time as well as shoes adrift in the sea: twisted, faded, discoloured, transformed, bearing the echo of what they have been, of the function they had, of the human presences which inhabited them. Lost identities to be imagined alive before time and the sea would make them alien to themselves. Shoes, dragged by a river, thrown by a hand, lost by a careless foot, entrusted to the sea stream, which sooner or later leaves them on a shore, like Dionysus and Ariadne, like “clandestini”, on a foreign beach of the same sea. On the shores I go seeking fragments of lost identities, where the sea gathers them, and I associate them to the places where they have been given birth a second time and which are as well places of abandon and loss. Drift, remainders, traces, remains, lost, undertow, waste, wreckage, to collect, relict, ...

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There are some places adrift in time as well as shoes adrift in the sea: twisted, faded, discoloured, transformed, bearing the echo of what they have been, of the function they had, of the human presences which inhabited them. 
Lost identities to be imagined alive before time and the sea would make them alien to themselves.
Shoes, dragged by a river, thrown by a hand, lost by a careless foot, entrusted to the sea stream, which sooner or later leaves them on a shore, like Dionysus and Ariadne, like “clandestini”, on a foreign beach of the same sea.
On the shores I go seeking fragments of lost identities, where the sea gathers them, and I associate them to the places where they have been given birth a second time and which are as well places of abandon and loss. 
Drift, remainders, traces, remains, lost, undertow, waste, wreckage, to collect, relict, to seek, to discover, missing, disappeared, worn-out, time, history, memory, fossil, ...
A spoon river anthology of entities which have been alien from what they are. The project is a Documentary, a Site/Adoption, an Installation: it explores places where the anthropization has passed like a sudden and passing cataclysm, paradoxically erasing human presence.
Places of a waste and silent beauty, full of violent echoes of lives which disappeared yesterday or the day before yesterday and which now are already fossils of “within a million years” or of “a million years ago”.
The sea is the incubator of such identities coming from far away in time and space and waiting for being re-collected.
The shoe is a subject-pretext as it is the most powerful among the catalyzers of identities: it is these places, fossils which are too alive as well as too dead.
Every “collection” of shoes is a documentary which narrates the places, different every time, and the situation of the “discovery”.

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