Kling (2007)

'Kling' is basically a study generator for paintings. I create almost the same kind of visuals by (traditional) painting and by coding. This experience is quite revealing. The capabilities of my brain and hands playing with paint are rather different then those of my computer and various output devices playing with code. The end result can be the same or almost the same. 'Kling' generates randomly variations with just a few basic parameters. This is not a mockery, but a celebration of abstract art.

Full Description

'Kling' is basically a study generator for paintings. I create almost the same kind of visuals by (traditional) painting and by coding. This experience is quite revealing. The capabilities of my brain and hands playing with paint are rather different then those of my computer and various output devices playing with code. The end result can be the same or almost the same. 'Kling' generates randomly variations with just a few basic parameters. This is not a mockery, but a celebration of abstract art.

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