"Demotic" (2006)

"Demotic" is a mixed-reality performance work that brings together virtual and real-space performers for a wild ride through America's cultural psychosis. Only one actor appears on stage, but she interacts with live musicians as well as with a group of virtual performers on the Internet who improvise text throughout the piece. A complex soundscape is created using techniques such as voice synthesis and sound mashups, underpinned by MAX/MSP programming and repurposed game controllers. Partly improvised, partly scripted, "Demotic" is created anew each night in front of the audience, pulling back the curtain on the creative process. The piece explores the multiplicity underlying American experience and identity, especially as it is now shaped by the Internet. The result is an inspired riff on American stereotypes, political corruption, loss by disaster, distraction, and fear.

Full Description

"Demotic" is a mixed-reality performance work that brings together virtual and real-space performers for a wild ride through America's cultural psychosis. Only one actor appears on stage, but she interacts with live musicians as well as with a group of virtual performers on the Internet who improvise text throughout the piece. A complex soundscape is created using techniques such as voice synthesis and sound mashups, underpinned by MAX/MSP programming and repurposed game controllers. Partly improvised, partly scripted, "Demotic" is created anew each night in front of the audience, pulling back the curtain on the creative process. The piece explores the multiplicity underlying American experience and identity, especially as it is now shaped by the Internet. The result is an inspired riff on American stereotypes, political corruption, loss by disaster, distraction, and fear.

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