With Love, RSS (2008)

With Love, RSS is a data-driven installation that utilizes text culled from blogs and a sound clip from The OC. The system continually pulls in text from a Google Blog Search for the exact terms, "I am in love with you" and "I am not in love with you." The resulting text is displayed as a constant barrage of black or white text, respectively, while also used to modulate the sound clip and produce colours and shapes as a bed for the text. The visuals and audio are in a constant state of change as the incoming search results are updated in real-time.

The work was exhibited at the LeBel Gallery, at the University of Windsor, as part of South of Detroit in January 2008.

With Love, RSS was also the topic of discussion in an interview on CBC Radio One's Spark, with host Nora Young.

With Love, RSS was ...

Full Description

With Love, RSS is a data-driven installation that utilizes text culled from blogs and a sound clip from The OC. The system continually pulls in text from a Google Blog Search for the exact terms, "I am in love with you" and "I am not in love with you." The resulting text is displayed as a constant barrage of black or white text, respectively, while also used to modulate the sound clip and produce colours and shapes as a bed for the text. The visuals and audio are in a constant state of change as the incoming search results are updated in real-time.

The work was exhibited at the LeBel Gallery, at the University of Windsor, as part of South of Detroit in January 2008.

With Love, RSS was also the topic of discussion in an interview on CBC Radio One's Spark, with host Nora Young.

With Love, RSS was constructed with Max/MSP/Jitter, Ableton Live, and Quartz Composer.

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