Crickets (2008)

by judsoN

Did you know if you hear a cricket chirp you can get the temperature? They are surprisingly accurate little buggers too. Just count chirps for 17 seconds and add 40 to what you get. (Thanks Discover.)

This piece monitors an accumulating the temperature in cities throughout the world. As the program gathers info (live, from the web. Thanks New York Times), crickets seem to gather in your computer. As their mating calls are juxtaposed, the range of weather gets interesting to hear. Sounds a little like a Steve Reich composition, no doubt.

The cities names also appear in colors according to their current temperature. Eventually, when you have collected enough bugs in your machine, each city's weather-rhythm is continually updated. Listen for global warming.

Full Description

Did you know if you hear a cricket chirp you can get the temperature? They are surprisingly accurate little buggers too. Just count chirps for 17 seconds and add 40 to what you get. (Thanks Discover.)

This piece monitors an accumulating the temperature in cities throughout the world. As the program gathers info (live, from the web. Thanks New York Times), crickets seem to gather in your computer. As their mating calls are juxtaposed, the range of weather gets interesting to hear. Sounds a little like a Steve Reich composition, no doubt.

The cities names also appear in colors according to their current temperature. Eventually, when you have collected enough bugs in your machine, each city's weather-rhythm is continually updated. Listen for global warming.

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