me&u (2005)

"me & u" (2005) is an interactive, screen-based, context aware installation involving concept research, digital image capture & manipulation, physical computing, motion sensors & microcontrollers.

An individual's animated gaze reacts to the viewer's proximity. Content is reconstituted at the interface level where meaning is a product of interaction and shapes thought. New media, in addition to theories of proxemics and intersubjective non-verbal communication, are used to reference how observer and observed interact with each other and are inextricably linked in the process of making reality.

Full Description

"me & u" (2005) is an interactive, screen-based, context aware installation involving concept research, digital image capture & manipulation, physical computing, motion sensors & microcontrollers.

An individual's animated gaze reacts to the viewer's proximity. Content is reconstituted at the interface level where meaning is a product of interaction and shapes thought. New media, in addition to theories of proxemics and intersubjective non-verbal communication, are used to reference how observer and observed interact with each other and are inextricably linked in the process of making reality.

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