“Contra Sublimitatem :: Nihilominus Momentum” is a series of code-driven dynamic diptychs that explores the seemingly insignificant decisions that are made every day and the accretion of meaning, both literal and symbolic, that follows from ordinary behavior. Each diptych draws, in an ever changing flux, on paired archives of photographs - discarded cigarette packets, with their insistent warnings, alongside security system signs from homes and offices; or discarded bus tickets, the anonymous residue of collective movement, alongside littered scraps of paper bearing personalized fragments of narrative: a partial book page, a grocery list, a phone number, or a school essay.

These images are always of bits of detritus, the residue of choices made, and, as such, simultaneously carry literal meaning, symbolic implications, and embedded narratives of their past: of the people whose intimates they once were. “Contra Sublimitatem” explores the interchanges of these layered fragments of meaning, examining their imbrication ...

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“Contra Sublimitatem :: Nihilominus Momentum” is a series of code-driven dynamic diptychs that explores the seemingly insignificant decisions that are made every day and the accretion of meaning, both literal and symbolic, that follows from ordinary behavior. Each diptych draws, in an ever changing flux, on paired archives of photographs - discarded cigarette packets, with their insistent warnings, alongside security system signs from homes and offices; or discarded bus tickets, the anonymous residue of collective movement, alongside littered scraps of paper bearing personalized fragments of narrative: a partial book page, a grocery list, a phone number, or a school essay.

These images are always of bits of detritus, the residue of choices made, and, as such, simultaneously carry literal meaning, symbolic implications, and embedded narratives of their past: of the people whose intimates they once were. “Contra Sublimitatem” explores the interchanges of these layered fragments of meaning, examining their imbrication in the confluences and incongruities, resonances and contradictions of choice.

These diptychs are resolutely grounded in the ordinary - in the material consequences, or aftereffects, of behavior - and ask viewers to enter into the manifold meanings embedded within the everyday. At the same time, these pieces evoke other historical approaches to artistic meaning. Referring to the aesthetic tropes of Barnett Newman’s sublimity and the spontaneous eruptions of Robert Motherwell’s collages, “Contra Sublimitatem” calls forth conceptions of the transcendent and the instantaneous in order to question those metaphysical imperatives, locating meaning, instead, via the residue of individuals’ self-conscious decisions.

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