00:06:03:08 (2006)

00:06:03:08 is a digital degeneration of both sound and image. The natural element of water is progressively reduced to its digital essence - a series of pulsating patterns of light on the surface of a glass screen. 00:06:03:08 subverts and exposes the nature of monitor/television imagery/sound and the viewers relationship to and with the screen. 00:06:03:08 focuses the viewers gaze toward a sequence of imagery upon a screen that is in the process of digital atrophy. This piece explores progressive digital decay.

Full Description

00:06:03:08 is a digital degeneration of both sound and image. The natural element of water is progressively reduced to its digital essence - a series of pulsating patterns of light on the surface of a glass screen. 00:06:03:08 subverts and exposes the nature of monitor/television imagery/sound and the viewers relationship to and with the screen. 00:06:03:08 focuses the viewers gaze toward a sequence of imagery upon a screen that is in the process of digital atrophy. This piece explores progressive digital decay.

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