Drawing Cadavers (2008)

Filtering these images, through an artistic medium is a way of re-humanizing the subject of cadavers. Each painting is treated as most cadaver researchers do, with a mixture of compassion and emotional reserve. My interest in painting the human body’s interior cavities stemmed from an interest in dealing with the subject of the abject as outlined in Julia Kristeva’s Powers of Horror. I originally wished to paint corpses, however, lacking visual resources my research lead me to medical textbooks where I became enthralled with the imagery. In turning away from painting the exterior body and literally, having turned inwards, I am dealing with objects that cease to have a name, a personality, while still possessing the power to traumatically remind us of our own fragile materiality.

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Filtering these images, through an artistic medium is a way of re-humanizing the subject of cadavers. Each painting is treated as most cadaver researchers do, with a mixture of compassion and emotional reserve. My interest in painting the human body’s interior cavities stemmed from an interest in dealing with the subject of the abject as outlined in Julia Kristeva’s Powers of Horror. I originally wished to paint corpses, however, lacking visual resources my research lead me to medical textbooks where I became enthralled with the imagery. In turning away from painting the exterior body and literally, having turned inwards, I am dealing with objects that cease to have a name, a personality, while still possessing the power to traumatically remind us of our own fragile materiality.

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