thefoolishbrushlikethehandofgod (2008)

This is all I know. It is part of a series using the brushes found when using a digital tablet and stylus. It is an act of discovery. The name comes from thinking about when I was a kid and watched Walt Disney on Sunday evenings and their was this brush that painted scenes in and out in an animated style. I found that feeling of a child with power to create in the activity of painting with images like a hose.

Full Description

This is all I know. It is part of a series using the brushes found when using a digital tablet and stylus. It is an act of discovery. The name comes from thinking about when I was a kid and watched Walt Disney on Sunday evenings and their was this brush that painted scenes in and out in an animated style. I found that feeling of a child with power to create in the activity of painting with images like a hose.

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