Armament at Lake Constance (catholic death cult and weapon production) (2008)

Armament at Lake Constance

(Switzerland - Czech Republic - Austria - Germany)

from the series

Myriam Thyes, 2008, 3:50, stereo.

This animation explores the cult of death in Catholic ideology as manifested in numerous images in churches and monasteries around Lake Constance - and the association of this cult with warfare, a link represented locally in the armaments industry at Friedrichshafen.

The term ‘cult of death’ here refers to: - Vanitas themes; an emphasis on transience; - sin, dread of Divine retribution, Purgatory, Hell; - self-sacrifice for God and Country; - persecution of those of a different faith - they are ‘sent to Hell’ (Jews, Reformers, ‘heretics’, ‘witches’); - executions as ‘God’s will’ or ‘Divine judgment’ (trial by ordeal); - missionary campaigns in which the other religion was prohibited on pain of death.

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Armament at Lake Constance

(Switzerland - Czech Republic - Austria - Germany)

from the series

Myriam Thyes, 2008, 3:50, stereo.

This animation explores the cult of death in Catholic ideology as manifested in numerous images in churches and monasteries around Lake Constance - and the association of this cult with warfare, a link represented locally in the armaments industry at Friedrichshafen.

The term ‘cult of death’ here refers to: - Vanitas themes; an emphasis on transience; - sin, dread of Divine retribution, Purgatory, Hell; - self-sacrifice for God and Country; - persecution of those of a different faith - they are ‘sent to Hell’ (Jews, Reformers, ‘heretics’, ‘witches’); - executions as ‘God’s will’ or ‘Divine judgment’ (trial by ordeal); - missionary campaigns in which the other religion was prohibited on pain of death.

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