Lower Manhattan Taxi plant (2004)

This is documentation of an interactive installation done while at a LMCC residency program at the Woolworth building. While experimenting with concepts involving nature and technology, I became interested in the similarity between a video camera as a photosensitive device and photosynthesis. I designed the Organism to use the video camera to feed off of information from its immediate environment. In this case taxi cabs were a constant variable in its location, so it was designed to live off the algorithmic flow of the yellow from NY taxis.

Full Description

This is documentation of an interactive installation done while at a LMCC residency program at the Woolworth building. While experimenting with concepts involving nature and technology, I became interested in the similarity between a video camera as a photosensitive device and photosynthesis. I designed the Organism to use the video camera to feed off of information from its immediate environment. In this case taxi cabs were a constant variable in its location, so it was designed to live off the algorithmic flow of the yellow from NY taxis.

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