(The State of) the Union (2005-2008) (2008)

The source for (The State of) the Union (2005-2008) is a video recording of the 2007 State of the Union address. All images have been removed from the video track, replaced only with a grey background and closed captions during the parts of the speech where applause is audible. The audio portion of the address, while inaudible to viewers, is kept intact and wired into an analog light projector that responds to sound frequencies with varying light patterns. The repetitive portions of the speech are converted into recognizable light patterns that repeat frequently throughout the 52-minute address.

Full Description

The source for (The State of) the Union (2005-2008) is a video recording of the 2007 State of the Union address. All images have been removed from the video track, replaced only with a grey background and closed captions during the parts of the speech where applause is audible. The audio portion of the address, while inaudible to viewers, is kept intact and wired into an analog light projector that responds to sound frequencies with varying light patterns. The repetitive portions of the speech are converted into recognizable light patterns that repeat frequently throughout the 52-minute address.

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