Video Feedback (2007)

This body of work is an enhanced version of straight video feedback, as it incorporates editing, pixel manipulation, and the addition of sound. The compositions depict my interest in light, pattern making, and transformation. The addition of sound heightens the videos by punctuating the transitions, creating a sense of evolution, life and elemental change. Sound relates directly to the movements and structural patterns contained in the videos. The work is ultimately about relationships, concerning technology and light working symbiotically, objective and subjective responses and placing influence over chaotic systems.

Full Description

This body of work is an enhanced version of straight video feedback, as it incorporates editing, pixel manipulation, and the addition of sound. The compositions depict my interest in light, pattern making, and transformation. The addition of sound heightens the videos by punctuating the transitions, creating a sense of evolution, life and elemental change. Sound relates directly to the movements and structural patterns contained in the videos. The work is ultimately about relationships, concerning technology and light working symbiotically, objective and subjective responses and placing influence over chaotic systems.

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