Gerausche aus der Helle (1989)

Geräusche aus der Helle [Agam Andreas]

"[A]nfang 1989 ... gaben sie in den Höhlen der 

Metrostation Weesperplein, im Rahmen des Circuit du Theatre, die Theatervorstellung 'Underground'...

Das Sicherheitspersonal riegelt den Ort ab und wir sehen 

Plexiglasröhren mit Halogenlampen, die untereinander in Verbindung stehen. Wenn du so einen Lichtstrahl durchbrichtst, wird ein Soundtrack hörbar. Die Säulen ragen aus dem Rauch, der in den Raum gepumpt wurde, empor.Dann kommen die Tänzer, in einer aus Autoreifen gebastelten Gummikleidung. Sie produzieren ihren eigenen Ton, indem sie die Lichtschranken unterbrechen..."[1]

A series interactive installation/performances started in 1989 which explores human presence in, and (inter)relation to, time and space. It does so by employing electronic sensory devices, dancers, taped and live music, electronic samples, radio, light and video projections.

It's practical foundation is based upon outdated and current intermedial theories.

It addresses questions such as : can a machine be alive?, how relates man ...

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Geräusche aus der Helle [Agam Andreas]

"[A]nfang 1989 ... gaben sie in den Höhlen der

Metrostation Weesperplein, im Rahmen des Circuit du Theatre, die Theatervorstellung 'Underground'...

Das Sicherheitspersonal riegelt den Ort ab und wir sehen

Plexiglasröhren mit Halogenlampen, die untereinander in Verbindung stehen. Wenn du so einen Lichtstrahl durchbrichtst, wird ein Soundtrack hörbar. Die Säulen ragen aus dem Rauch, der in den Raum gepumpt wurde, empor.Dann kommen die Tänzer, in einer aus Autoreifen gebastelten Gummikleidung. Sie produzieren ihren eigenen Ton, indem sie die Lichtschranken unterbrechen..."[1]

A series interactive installation/performances started in 1989 which explores human presence in, and (inter)relation to, time and space. It does so by employing electronic sensory devices, dancers, taped and live music, electronic samples, radio, light and video projections.

It's practical foundation is based upon outdated and current intermedial theories.

It addresses questions such as : can a machine be alive?, how relates man with its environment in an broader ecological sense?, can art (re)define a sufficient ecology for the 21st century?

Autopoiesis works with participants from different 'traditional' disciplines such as dancers, musiciens, painters and videomakers.

Students from the following art schools/dance academies have participated in one of it's manifestations: Dance Academy Rotterdam NL 2005, Moderne Dans Opleiding Arnhem NL 1989, Mimeschool Amsterdam NL 1989, 2005.


The soundtrack from the 'Urauffuhrung - 1989' is/was available as part of the now sadly discontinued Berlin based 'Radio Internationale Stadt' web accessable audioarchive from the Open Radio Archive Network Group (

There is a 10 minutes impression 16 mm b/w movie of the whole theatre piece ' Underground' from 1989 by Babeth van Loo, NL 1991.[3]. Which was part of the 25th anniversary program of the Institute of Sonology. Royal Conservatory, The Hague NL, 1992


version 3.0: 'Akasha', planned for Jerusalem IL 2010. Remapping human supposed need for transcendence into a spatial 'tree of life' model.Using architectural forms as an emergent metaphoor for existence itself. Escaping the boundaries of a given medium, be it dance, light, internet, painting.

version 2.0: 'Fiat Lux', Museum N8 Amsterdam NL 2005. A remixed version of 1.0. The (re)introduction of religion as a possible world view.

version 1.1: 'Corridor', Foundation of Technics & Art Zwolle NL 1991. A stripped-down version of 1.0 , without the dancers.

version 1.0: 'Gerausche aus der Helle' - Circuit du Theatre, Amsterdam NL 1989.The 'Urauffuhrung' , a historical performance in the atomic bomb shelter below Metrostation Weesperplein, Amsterdam as part of a bigger art event 'Underground' organised by DFM-Artburo Heafties[2]. Partly inspired by its surroundings partly developping from version 0.1. A new direction is taken with the introduction of dancers as part of the performance, the static installation form is abonded for the more dynamic form of installation/performnce. Introduction of a raw narritive i.e. surviving the world, without a firm worldview, an example of eighties black world view.

version 0.1: 'An Adventure in the Forest' - Arthouse 'de Badcuyp', Amsterdam NL 1988 (produced with a grant from the Amsterdam Art Fund) An ecological installation in which the form of a forest it taken as metaphor for the world. Extensive use of electronic noises and radio sounds. The audience is invited to enter the space which detects their presence and reacts by producing sounds.

[1] from:

[2] see: Geert Lovink, The Order of Chaos, the Lives and Work of DFM-Artburo Heafties, in: Acoustic Space 2, 2000, Riga


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