i am a whore who has fallen down from the sky. so as to survive. this making art. this indifference of the world. where survival and making art is the final rebellion and whoredom only is. i am a whore and i am making art. whether i survive or not is entirely ephemeral. i am the worlld-class expert at giving them what they want. until i puke their cum up and i start giving them what i want. or what i think it is they need. i have survived into this day and into this night and into this right here right now and falling down from this great sky.

Acrylic Collage

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i am a whore who has fallen down from the sky. so as to survive. this making art. this indifference of the world. where survival and making art is the final rebellion and whoredom only is. i am a whore and i am making art. whether i survive or not is entirely ephemeral. i am the worlld-class expert at giving them what they want. until i puke their cum up and i start giving them what i want. or what i think it is they need. i have survived into this day and into this night and into this right here right now and falling down from this great sky.

Acrylic Collage

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