The Definition of Time (2008)


they say/ time/ is this thing that has something to do with the speed of light/ i say time is this thing you have to figure out how to crawl through as if it were a ring from saturn/ from one life to another/ from one identity to another/ from one lover to another/ and/ while you're crawling/ there's always/ someone/ behind you ready/ willing/ and/ available/ to prod you along/

Derelict Hotel my
Full Description


they say/ time/ is this thing that has something to do with the speed of light/ i say time is this thing you have to figure out how to crawl through as if it were a ring from saturn/ from one life to another/ from one identity to another/ from one lover to another/ and/ while you're crawling/ there's always/ someone/ behind you ready/ willing/ and/ available/ to prod you along/

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