Never Trust a Scientist, Girl (2008)

729 Jones. Apartment 503: She lived across the hall. I knew the first time we met in the basement laundryroom that I would marry her.

Because there are some things you just know.

I wasn't sure what we would do with her husband.

We would think of something.

How is it that we know the things we know.

They come to us.

Like very naughty cats and they rub up against us seductive in their pleading for forgiveness.

How do I know this profound observation as Truth.

I am a scientist who knows things.

Full Description

729 Jones. Apartment 503: She lived across the hall. I knew the first time we met in the basement laundryroom that I would marry her.

Because there are some things you just know.

I wasn't sure what we would do with her husband.

We would think of something.

How is it that we know the things we know.

They come to us.

Like very naughty cats and they rub up against us seductive in their pleading for forgiveness.

How do I know this profound observation as Truth.

I am a scientist who knows things.

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