Beige project (2007)

I produce work combining different disciplines, performance art. painting, drawing, photography and filmmaking. I have become more focused on the moving image, producing films where body movement is involved. I borrow elements from theatre, dance and cinema to create video art pieces.

Conceptually, I explore human condition under an unsettling existentialist perspective. I intend to place the body at the same level of objects, reducing it to a tangible reality. Under this perspective, the world appears strictly physical and finite. I depict the human body as if there were nothing beyond it, appearing in its excessive form from which it can no longer signify.

Full Description

I produce work combining different disciplines, performance art. painting, drawing, photography and filmmaking. I have become more focused on the moving image, producing films where body movement is involved. I borrow elements from theatre, dance and cinema to create video art pieces.

Conceptually, I explore human condition under an unsettling existentialist perspective. I intend to place the body at the same level of objects, reducing it to a tangible reality. Under this perspective, the world appears strictly physical and finite. I depict the human body as if there were nothing beyond it, appearing in its excessive form from which it can no longer signify.

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