Les garçons Désespérés sont Beaux (2008)

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you have spread your legs and offered me the hole again resist not but deliver me from temptation for your hole is the power and the glory

the double mirror is broken you have altered your image of repeated invitations not comprehending it's not about eroticism it's about vulnerability

and the eroticism in that

the roads you travel move quickly now the hunger of the world is upon us

between the emptiness and the avalanche the full moon has gone purple and round be slow

the blade of love cuts slit two ways hold high the heart

your shadows will not be seen but tasted

because I am a tongue of languages speaking some

lost point of tenderness

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you have spread your legs and offered me the hole again resist not but deliver me from temptation for your hole is the power and the glory

the double mirror is broken you have altered your image of repeated invitations not comprehending it's not about eroticism it's about vulnerability

and the eroticism in that

the roads you travel move quickly now the hunger of the world is upon us

between the emptiness and the avalanche the full moon has gone purple and round be slow

the blade of love cuts slit two ways hold high the heart

your shadows will not be seen but tasted

because I am a tongue of languages speaking some

lost point of tenderness

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