au•to•ma•tic (2008)

Automatic follows Eric, who is writing a series of letters to a woman he does not know. In doing this, he hopes to come to terms with his own inadequacies, but instead reinforces them. In his letters, he purges his secret fantasies in a futile attempt to take control of his life. Seda, the object of his desire, is a chronic writer of complaint letters. Unwittingly, she begins to receive Eric's letters; as his communiqués intensify, so do her insecurities and fears, manifesting themselves in a frenetic dream sequences where a female protagonist in escalating states of panic—a projection of Seda—tries to escape her pursuer. Automatic combines live action + stop-motion animation to slip the viewer through reality and fantasy until the line is no longer discernable.

Automatic is based loosely on a Haruki Murakami story, the sculpture by Ed and Nancy Keinholz, and bridal magazines from the 70s ...

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Automatic follows Eric, who is writing a series of letters to a woman he does not know. In doing this, he hopes to come to terms with his own inadequacies, but instead reinforces them. In his letters, he purges his secret fantasies in a futile attempt to take control of his life. Seda, the object of his desire, is a chronic writer of complaint letters. Unwittingly, she begins to receive Eric's letters; as his communiqués intensify, so do her insecurities and fears, manifesting themselves in a frenetic dream sequences where a female protagonist in escalating states of panic—a projection of Seda—tries to escape her pursuer. Automatic combines live action + stop-motion animation to slip the viewer through reality and fantasy until the line is no longer discernable.

Automatic is based loosely on a Haruki Murakami story, the sculpture by Ed and Nancy Keinholz, and bridal magazines from the 70s found in a recessed ceiling in 1995.

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