For all your aspirations, Pythagoras (2006)

A computer program was created to compute the golden ratio endlessly.

The golden ratio is a infinite mathematical proportion which we base much of our vision on in such things as canvases, paper, and television screens. It was called the divine proportion by the renaissance artists for its resemblence that is found all throughout nature. The number appears in the proportions of the human body, plants, dna, the solar system, population growth, the stock market and throughout evolution. It is a number which we hold a deep emotion towards for its resemblence to our built structure and understanding.

The passion we hold for our precious technology is in its ability to replicate our desire and extend our body. Since we are in consciousness the understanding of phi is already inheret in us, as can be seen by the development of our bodies from birth. Could we ever truly understand the ...

Full Description

A computer program was created to compute the golden ratio endlessly.

The golden ratio is a infinite mathematical proportion which we base much of our vision on in such things as canvases, paper, and television screens. It was called the divine proportion by the renaissance artists for its resemblence that is found all throughout nature. The number appears in the proportions of the human body, plants, dna, the solar system, population growth, the stock market and throughout evolution. It is a number which we hold a deep emotion towards for its resemblence to our built structure and understanding.

The passion we hold for our precious technology is in its ability to replicate our desire and extend our body. Since we are in consciousness the understanding of phi is already inheret in us, as can be seen by the development of our bodies from birth. Could we ever truly understand the essence of ourselves through our technology?

This piece is an attempt to show that there is more to life than science and understanding of consciousness. Through the program, the golden mean is computed as far as it can possibly go. It begins fast and over time gradually slows as it trudges its way further and further into trying to understand the essence of this ordering found in life.

As the computer reaches further and further in the computation of this infinite number, it becomes slower and slower in its ability to compute. Over time, the memory of the computer reaches its limit and the computation can go no further resulting in the crash of the program. This death of understanding brings the computer back to its essence as a machine unable to understand the natural ordering of life.

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