Expogenica (2007)

Attention economy as the merciless evolution force morphing artworks in different generations of installations.

The installation consists of six sculptures located inside exhibition cases which are equipped with heaters.Visitors are motion tracked. In case the visitors don’t pay enough attention to the exhibited work, the sculpture is gradually destroyed. Three most “successful” works are afterwards transformed into hybrids via 3D scan and presented at the next exhibition. Based on the crossbreeding rules and the application of “natural selection” method, repeated exhibition and cultivation should lead to a creation of an ideal sculpture Pavel Sterec, Vilém Novák

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Attention economy as the merciless evolution force morphing artworks in different generations of installations.

The installation consists of six sculptures located inside exhibition cases which are equipped with heaters.Visitors are motion tracked. In case the visitors don’t pay enough attention to the exhibited work, the sculpture is gradually destroyed. Three most “successful” works are afterwards transformed into hybrids via 3D scan and presented at the next exhibition. Based on the crossbreeding rules and the application of “natural selection” method, repeated exhibition and cultivation should lead to a creation of an ideal sculpture Pavel Sterec, Vilém Novák

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